Tuesday 1 May 2007

sheep and lace

oh gosh! I can't believe a week has passed since I last posted!! naughty naughty me!!! I have some excuses, though! as my cousin and her family were visiting over the weekend and I was just very busy before that.... plus the weather is still fantastic!!! I love this time of the year, specially when you go on a trip with the car and you find this:

How cute are they? I could add more pictures, but I won't... you should have heard them all with their funny voices!! how can a relatively small animal have such a deep deep voice?? they make me laugh!

Ok, and now something about knitting!!! (although these pictures could actually be under the knitting category, look at that amazing wool!!!!) My progress with Arisaig is slow. I have lost the count of how many times I've had to frog and frog again... I find it hard to be so concentrated, and sometimes I knit while watching TV, which indeed doesn't help my concentration... Here is a picture of how it looks right now:

and a closer look to the pattern:

sorry about the quality of the photo, but I was alone and I was trying to stretch it while taking the photo... hopefully it will be enough to see the pattern.

I'm still concerned about the size... this has to cover my whole back!!! hmm... I'm trusting the miracle of blocking at the moment... the pattern is beautiful and the yarn is very easy to work with. I'm quite enjoying myself knitting this, even with the frogging!! I couldn't knit at all during the weekend, as I had guests from Spain and I spent all the time with them, but this morning I took the needles again and I knitted non-stop for a couple of hours!! and I feel sooo much better now...

1 comment:

Rain said...

Your Arisaig is looking very pretty so far.